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Should I use Wellsprings 20-1 instead of Wellsprings Serenity?

Some menopausal women may find they are unable to completely eliminate hot flushes, night sweats or vaginal dryness using natural progesterone cream alone.


Some menopausal women may find they are unable to completely eliminate hot flushes, night sweats or vaginal dryness using natural progesterone cream alone.

Any or all of these symptoms persisting can be signs of oestrogen deficiency. In most cases, when progesterone levels are right, the body has the raw materials to produce oestrogen. However in some women the body does not produce the oestrogen and it is for just such cases that Wellsprings have formulated their 20-1 Cream.

This cream contains a mixture of both progesterone and oestrogen in the ratio of 20 to 1 and is a completely natural hormone replacement cream. It is applied twice daily instead of Serenity Natural Progesterone Cream.

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